We Need Your Help.
Let’s Do This Together.
Our Mission
We advocate for the preservation of the Minnesota River valley bluff in the city of Eden Prairie, MN. The bluff landscape is geologically, ecologically, culturally and historically significant. Our goal is to prevent further development of the bluff area and preserve the remaining bluff remnants, preferably as a park and indigenous center. A 28-acre portion of the bluff is currently at risk for development. A 50 home housing project, called the Noble Hill Project, is slated for this land that is just adjacent to Riley Creek and the Fredrick Miller Spring (Mni Wakan) on Spring Rd. Concerns related to this specific development are erosion to the creek banks, pollution to the creek, water table, and spring, loss of habitat for endangered and threatened bird and bee species, slope safety issues, and a lost opportunity to engage with the historical and cultural aspects of this rare place.
The MN River Valley Bluff
❖ The Eden Prairie bluff landscape has a unique combination of climate, vegetation, geology, and wildlife characteristics.
❖ Prehistoric tribes inhabited the area as evidenced by the 100s of burial mounds that are present throughout the bluffs.
❖ This rare landscape along with its historical and cultural value is being erased by intensive development. The small remnants of bluff that remain today are in need of conservation.

Aerial view of the endangered valley bluffs, spring and creek. Showing the vast majority of the area is now developed, erasing much of this unique landscape’s vegetation, wildlife, historical and cultural resources.
The Spring History
The earliest recorded mentions of springs and seeps around what is now Eden Prairie come from mid-19th century government surveys, and the diaries and memoirs of the area’s first Euro-American settlers. Based on these sources, it is known that springs and seeps occurred in relative abundance in the Minnesota River valley areas, and these sources of clean water were highly sought after.
William Fredrick moved the spring access to its current location and built a wooden tank to contain the spring’s waterflow in 1880. Arthur Miller acquired the spring in 1968 and donated it to the City of Eden Prairie in 1969. The City made improvements to the site in 1972 and in 2003. Fredrick-Miller Spring is located on the east side of Spring Road, one-quarter mile north of Flying Cloud Drive. The site includes an access turnout for automobiles and a trough for year-round use.
Preserve the Valley.
Ecological Importance.
Honor the Spring.
Cultural Significance.
How Can You Help?
By donating you are helping us fight back against the intensive development of the unique Eden Prairie bluffs landscape. Your dollars say yes to preservation over profits by investing in the protection of our state’s declining water resources and the last accessible and drinkable spring in the Twin Cities.
What is at risk?
Speak for the Springs.
Preservation over Profits.
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Why volunteer with us?
- Get in on the ground floor of a growing environmental advocacy group.
- Take action on your values: Conservation, preservation, cultural heritage, etc.
- Work with a dedicated team of professionals from various walks of life.
- Network and create alliances.
- Do your part to save one of the last accessible and drinkable spring in the Twin Cities!

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Questions? Comments? Concerns? Email: friends.outreach@springvalleyfriends.org