Time is running out to stop the Noble Hill development in Eden Prairie! You can help by taking one of the following actions!
Welcome to our action center!
After years of activism, we learned the threatened bluff ecosystem surrounding the Spring has a new buyer. And we are thrilled to share that they want to preserve the land!
The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District introduced plans to acquire and preserve the land, with hopes of using the already-developed portion of the property for their office space. Since this action is in alignment with SVF’s goal of preservation, we are pausing litigation and pledging full support for the purchase.
We now ask you, the spring-going public, to join us in support of this miraculous outcome!
Here’s what you can do:
- Sign the electronic thank you letter.
This can be done at: https://springvalleyfriends.org/sign-the-petition/
Mail a hand-written letter of thanks to the watershed. Here is a a sample that you can copy:
“Dear managers,
Thank you for hearing our voice and voting to buy and preserve the land on Spring Road. I support your decision and think it is a great use of tax dollars.”
Letters can be sent to:
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District
18681 Lake Drive E Chanhassen, MN 55317 - Make a donation to SVF.
Our victory is momentous but without a practical model of citizen-funded environmental action, it will only be an isolated instance in the overall battle
against ecological destruction. Show the world that we can all do our part to stop the madness by helping with SVF’s legal costs here:
Pulte Homes is positioned to develop property at 9955 Spring Rd. in Eden Prairie. What was once a family owned tree farm will be developed into a 50 home cul-de-sac, adjacent to Riley Creek, the Fredrick Miller Spring, and the Prairie Bluff Preserve. A new housing development brings with it the following concerns:
- This site has a high biodiversity rating and is underlain with groundwater that is highly vulnerable to contamination.
- This project will make it more difficult or impossible to restore Riley Creek.
- Potentially destroy the historic Fredrick Miller Spring; the last accessible and drinkable spring in the Twin Cities, due to further watershed development.
- Increase surface pollutant run-off through impacts such as erosion and flooding by removing a large part of forest canopy cover (456 trees).
- Slope stability and landslide concerns.
- Impact to critical bird habitat, the site is of international significance for the conservation of migratory birds.
- MN DNR data indicates potential impact to Endangered and Threatened Species, such as the Rusty Patch Bumble Bee, which is a federally acknowledged protected pollinator.
- Increase in noise, air pollution and traffic and their negative health effects.
- Unknown cumulative effects of existing townhome development and ongoing residential land management practices surrounding this sensitive site.
- Archaeological findings in the surrounding areas related to Native American Heritage point to possible additional finds and missed opportunity for analysis.
Spring Valley Friends was born out of concern for this unique corridor and the need for advocacy around preservation, and we need your help!
For events and updates visit us on Facebook: /springvalleyfriends/
Public becomes aware of the Pulte development
Citizens begin forming 'Friends of Fredrick Miller Spring'
Eden Prairie City Council denies the citizen's petition for an EAW / Votes to rezone property
Riley Creek Watershed District votes for a stay of 60 days against issuing Pulte permit, requiring slope analysis test
Friends of Fredrick Miller Spring incorporates as 'Spring Valley Friends'
Letters to Pulte, Watershed District, and City Council are needed!
Expert Slope review reveals limitations of data!
Donate now to help us continue the fight against this development!
Tell Pulte Homes that their Noble Hill Development is not good for Eden Prairie!
Print the letter below, and send to:
Jamie Tharp, Pulte Divisional President
7500 Flying Cloud Dr. Ste 670
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Or Call: 952-229-0725
Ryan Marshall, Pulte President
3350 Peachtree Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30326
Or Fax: 407-661-4089
Submit a complaint
Fill out the complaint form at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency website:
Tell them that the Noble Hill project by Pulte Homes will negatively impact the environment – contributing to storm water pollution, erosion and slope collapse for Riley Creek, and loss of habitat for endangered birds and bees.
Or complain to Eden Prairie City Council:
Mayor Ron Case
Council Member Mark Freiberg
Council Member PG Narayanan
Council Member Kathy Nelson
Council Member Lisa Toomey
To send an email to all members of the City Council address it: AllCouncil@edenprairie.org

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Email: friends.outreach@springvalleyfriends.org
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